And sakaishi kogyou's performance is rising steadily . 坂石工業の業績は 堅調に推移してますので➡
And sakaishi kogyou's performance is rising steadily . 坂石工業の業績は 堅調に推移してますので➡
Has been solid , has been good . but in places that are not as developed 堅調な進歩が見られます しかし
They became more robust . 堅調なものとなります
Overseas , where we see a surprisingly sturdy performance by the dollar , holding its ground in spite of the turkish pipeline vote at the u .n . 《海外市場では驚いたことに ドルの堅調が続いています》 《パイプラインの件の国連での議決や 財政赤字の報道にもかかわらずです》