- become firmer
- 堅調 堅調 けんちょう bullish firm (market)
- 増す 増す ます to increase to grow
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 厚さを増す increase in thickness
- 経済の堅調さを試す test the strength of the economy
- 厳しさを増す 1. grow in severity 2. grow increasingly severe
- 底堅さを増す become firmer
- 快適さを増す 1. augment comfort 2. increase comfort
- 手堅さを増す become firmer
- 楽しさを増す enhance someone's enjoyment〔人の〕
- 正確さを増す promote accuracy
- 洗練さを増す increase the sophistication of〔~の〕
- 深刻さを増す get [become] more serious
- 熱烈さを増す gather intensity
- 険しさを増す become hardened by〔~によって〕