- abstract of a paper
- 報告 報告 ほうこく report information
- 要約 要約 ようやく summary digest
- 約 約 やく approximately about some
- 報告書 報告書 ほうこくしょ (written) report
- 報告書の要旨 burden of one's report
- 要約報告書 condensed report
- 報告書には、結論の要約を入れてください Please include a summary of your conclusions in the report.
- 報告書の主旨 main message of a report
- 報告書の修正 modification to a report
- 報告書の抜粋 abstract of a paper
- 報告書の検討 examination of the report
- 報告書の草案 draft of a report
- 報告書の複写 duplicate copies of a report
- 報告書の配布 1. audit report distribution 2. distribution of a report
- 報告書を要約する give a brief summary of a paper