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  • 場所
  • (記憶)場所    (記憶)場所 (storage)location[電情]〈00確X0012:情報処理用語(データ媒体, 記憶装置及び関連装置)〉
  • 初場所    初場所 はつばしょ first day of a sumo tournament New Year's sumo tournament
  • 場所 1    1. corner 2. jonst〈米俗〉 3. locale 4. locality 5. location 6. locus 7. place 8. position 9. pozzy / pozzie / possy / possie〈豪俗〉 10. room 11. seat 12. site 13. situation 14. situs 15. space 16. spot 17
  • 場所性    locational
  • 場所愛    topophilia
  • 場所柄    場所柄 ばしょがら character of a place
  • 場所節    clause of place
  • 場所説    1. place theory 2. place theory of hearing
  • 夏場所    夏場所 なつばしょ summer wrestling tournament
  • 居場所    居場所 いばしょ whereabouts
  • 岡場所    岡場所 おかばしょ red-light district
  • 春場所    春場所 はるばしょ the spring sumo tournament
  • 本場所    本場所 ほんばしょ Japanese wrestling pavilion
  • 秋場所    秋場所 あきばしょ autumn sumo tournament
  • _場所    a stretch of __ tourneys《相撲》 場所 1 1. corner 2. jonst〈米俗〉 3. locale 4. locality 5. location 6. locus 7. place 8. position 9. pozzy / pozzie / possy / possie〈豪俗〉 10. room 11. seat 12. site 13. situa


  • I woke up in a dark place , tied to a chair .
    目が覚めたのは暗い場所で 椅子に縛られていました
  • I guess i was in the right place at the right time again .
  • The stewmaker knows where all the bodies are buried .
    死体を埋めた場所を 知っていて
  • It's a place that depends on their own strength to win
  • Good a place as any , i suppose , to get tanked up .
    酔っぱらうには いい場所なんだろう
  • We find microbial life in every part of the planet:
  • You guys are already zeroed for ballistic advantage .
    その時には 所定の場所にいるんだ
  • In one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city
  • Remember how you said , home is where the heart is ?
  • Remember how you said , home is where the heart is ?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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