We should be growing fertility . and , oh yes we get food , too . 肥沃度が増せば より多くの作物が取れます
He will raise a force that will change the very course of the world . 彼の力が増せば 世界の行方が変わる
Because i said they should . the more they give , the more you can do . 寄付が増せば やれることが増え
His going to raise a force that will alter the very course of the world . 彼の力が増せば 世界の行方が変わる
Increase charge 13 more ! yes ! 装薬 13匁増せ! はい!
Increase charge 13 more ! yes ! 装薬 13匁増せ! はい!
Conceptually , sports are contrary to budo , and thus the more of a sports aspect there is , the less of a budo aspect there will be . スポーツと武道は対立概念でありスポーツ性が増せば武道性は減る。