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  • In contradiction to his appearance, he was quite well off.
  • 外見     外見 がいけん そとみ outward appearance
  • 反対     反対 はんたい opposition resistance antagonism hostility contrast objection
  • 大変     大変 たいへん awful dreadful terrible very
  • 変な     【形】 1. birdie〈米俗〉 2. bizarre 3. cockamamie〈米俗〉 4. comical 5. eccentric 6.
  • 金持     moneyed man
  • 持ち     持ち もち hold charge keep possession in charge wear durability life draw usage
  •      だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
  • 正反対     正反対 せいはんたい bipolar polar polarity exactly opposite
  • 金持ち     金持ち かねもち rich man
  • 正反対で     1. diametrically opposed 2. directly opposite 3. toto caelo
  • 大変な金持ちの    fabulously rich
  • 大変な金持ちである    1. have a colossal amount of money 2. have pots of money
  • 主張と正反対である    fly in the face of the commitment
  • 正反対で    1. diametrically opposed 2. directly opposite 3. toto caelo
  • 大変なお金持ちの    masses of money
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