重大な影響を及ぼす 1. exert an important influence on 2. have a critical impact on 3. have a much greater impact on 4. wield an important impact on〔~に〕
And we need a whole bunch of environmental impacts . そして 必ず環境に多大な影響を及ぼす ことになります
The traditional poetry circles were offended by her poems , but the world was startled and enthusiastically supported her , so her poems had a significant impact on the circles . 伝統的歌壇から反発を受けたが、世間の耳目を集めて熱狂的支持を受け、歌壇に多大な影響を及ぼすこととなった。
He boasted his latent power as a key person in kyoto , such as having a strong connection with the dark society including aizu kotetsu-kai (one of the japanese organized crime syndicates ) led by tokutaro takayama who had a close relationship with him , and also exerted a huge influence on taking the position of the past mayors of kyoto city , but his handling of the incident of buying up stocks of kyoto bank led to a misunderstanding , and later dividers from various fields caused his power to be diminished . また親しかった高山登久太郎会長率いる会津小鉄会をはじめとして闇社会にも太いパイプを持ち、歴代京都市長の誕生にも多大な影響を及ぼすなど、京都の黒幕的存在として隠然たる力を誇ったが、京都銀行の株買占め事件に際しての対応が誤解を招き、後に各界からの離反者を出してその影響力は衰えた。