- He looked a little the worse for wear until he got used to the night shift.
- 夜勤 夜勤 やきん night shift
- 慣れ 慣れ なれ practice experience
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- 疲れ 疲れ つかれ tiredness fatigue
- より より from out of since than 縒り twist ply
- 少し 少し すこし small quantity little few something little while short distance
- しや しや 視野 field of vision outlook
- やつ やつ 八 八つ eight 奴 fellow guy chap
- つれ つれ 連れ companion company
- 見え 見え みえ みばえ show display appearance vanity charm attraction
- えた えた 穢多 old word for burakumin (pejorative)
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 慣れる 慣れる なれる to grow accustomed to
- やつれ 1. attenuation 2. emaciation 3. languishment
- つれて つれて 連れて as in proportion to