猛威を振るう 1 1. exercise an overwhelming influence 2. exert an overwhelming influence 3. go on a [the] rampage 猛威を振るう 2 【形】 raging 猛威を振るう 3 【自動】 rage 猛威を振るう 4 spread [run, take off, go round] like wildfir
Burst forth again and start to harm us . 再び猛威を振るうようになります
In the same year , chushin was invited to be the chief priest of houn-ji temple (kamigori-cho ) in harima province by norisuke akamatsu , who was extremely influential there as harima no kuni shugo (the provincial constable of harima province ). 同年、播磨国守護として勢威を振るう赤松則祐より播磨法雲寺 (上郡町)の住持として招聘された。
His father , imperial prince tamehira , was a member of the unfortunate imperial family , who felt dejected after losing his mother , fujiwara no anshi , who had the title of chugu (empress ), and maternal grandfather , fujiwara no morosuke , early and was forestalled by his younger brother imperial prince morihira (later became emperor enyu ), who was appointed by uncles who feared that takaakira would control the government as a maternal relative , despite being the direct maternal younger brother to emperor reizei . 頼定の父為平親王は冷泉天皇のすぐ下の同母弟でありながら、母中宮藤原安子・外祖父藤原師輔を早くに失い、高明が外戚として勢威を振るうのを恐れた叔父たちによって、幼い弟守平親王(のちの円融天皇)に飛び越され、失意の日々を送った不運の皇族である。