It can be said that it had sufficient presence as the capital of wa . 倭の首都として十分な威容を備えていたと考えられる。
August (single letter ): dignity of the procession of sons in the shogun family . 8月単状(将軍家若宮の行列の威容)
Were you looking for this ? この威容! この壮観!
Were you looking for this ? この威容! この壮観!
This is the bridge . この威容! この壮観!
This is the bridge . この威容! この壮観!
Can you do this ? この威容! この壮観!
Can you do this ? この威容! この壮観!
Azuchi-jo castle was built on now mt . azuchi , presenting dignified appearance for its unprecedented large-scaled castle tower (or azuchi-jo castle keep ) and others . 安土城は現在の安土山に建造され、大型の天守(現地では「天主」と表記)を初めて持つなど威容を誇った。
Although the man had initially attempted to run away , with just one look at shingen he was overpowered by his majestic appearance and accepted his lot as a body double for shingen . 当初は逃亡を企てた男も、一度対面した信玄の威容に圧倒され、影武者としての人生を受け入れる。