嫌悪の の英語
嫌悪 嫌悪 けんお disgust hate repugnance の の 野 field 乃 possessive particle clause nominalizer particle 嫌悪の表情 look of disgust 自己嫌悪の 【形】 self-hating 嫌悪の念を抱く 1 1. feel an aversion 2. have a hatred 嫌悪の念を抱く 2 have an aversion (to)〔~に対して〕 嫌悪の目で見る 1. regard ~ with abhorrence 2. regard ~ with loathing〔~を〕 嫌悪のこもった目で見る wince down at 強い嫌悪の表情を見せる give a stare of hatred 嫌悪 嫌悪 けんお disgust hate repugnance 嫌悪の気持ちを起こさせる be distasteful to〔~に〕 嫌悪の表情がサッと顔をよぎる expression of distaste passes by swiftly 自己嫌悪の中で何度も言い返す say over and over again in one's self-disgust 嫌悪 1 1. abomination 2. antipathy 3. aversion 4. derry〈豪NZ〉 5. detestation 6. disfavor〔 【対】 favor〕 7. dislike 8. disrelish 9. distaste 10. hatefulness 11. hatred 12. horror 13. ill will 14. nausea 15. nau嫌悪感 1. creeps〔 【参考】 get the creeps ; give someone the creeps〕 2. disgust 3. feeling of dislike 4. feeling of repulsion 5. ill will 6. repulsion 7. sense of aversion 悪の力 force of evil
Selfloathing , selfseeking ... moneygrubbing jews ! 自己嫌悪の 自己本位の I've experienced prejudice and even hatred 偏見や嫌悪の 目にさらされてきた私は If you ask enough of these , you can get a general overall この種の質問を十分にすれば 嫌悪の しやすさを示す If you ask enough of these , you can get a general overall この種の質問を十分にすれば 嫌悪の しやすさを示す One of the features , though , of disgust しかし嫌悪の 特徴は And then give me a disgust face . それから 嫌悪の 表情を見せて下さい And then give me a disgust face . それから 嫌悪の 表情を見せて下さい Now you can go back to your life of being invisible and detached and selfhating . 孤立した自己嫌悪の 透明人間に戻れば?