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  • Actually, there are many kinds of Buddhas, such as Kannon and Fudo.
  • 実は     実は じつは as a matter of fact by the way
  • 仏様     仏様 ほとけさま a Buddha deceased person
  • 様に     as often happen with〔~にはよくある〕
  • にも     にも also too not... either as well even
  • いろ     いろ 色 colour sensuality lust
  • がい     がい 剴 scythe suitability 我意 self-will obstinacy 凱 victory song 画意 meaning of a
  • いる     いる 鋳る 鑄る to cast to mint to coin 要る to need 煎る 炒る 熬る to parch to fry to fire
  • 観音     観音 かんのん Kannon Kwannon Goddess of Mercy
  • とか     とか such as 渡河 river crossing 都下 in the capital in Tokyo
  • 不動     不動 ふどう immobility firmness fixed steadfastness motionless idle
  • 観音様     観音様 かんのんさま Kannon (Kwannon) Goddess of Mercy clitoris
  • いろいろ     いろいろ 色々 色色 various
  • 不動明王     不動明王 ふどうみょうおう Acala Acalanatha Vidya-raja The Immovable, a manifestation of
  • ~にもいろいろいる     【接続】 and
  • 教師にもいろいろいる    There are teachers and teachers.
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