- be hard at work on one's homework
- 宿題 宿題 しゅくだい homework
- 組む 組む くむ to put together
- む む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
- 頑張って 頑張って がんばって Hold on Go for it Keep at it
- 取り組む 取り組む とりくむ to tackle to wrestle with to engage in a bout to come to grips with
- 君がどんなに頑張って取り組んでみても、その課題はとても難しい However hard you may try, the task is very difficult.
- 宿題に熱心に取り組む pore over one's homework
- 問題に一致して取り組む tackle in concert the problems of〔~の〕
- 一丸となって取り組む work together
- 張り切って取り組む knuckle down
- 本気になって取り組む roll up one's (shirt) sleeves
- 誠意を持って取り組む 1 make good-faith efforts 誠意を持って取り組む 2 take a sincere approach towards〔~に〕
- 宿題に取り組む意欲を育てる build one's homework appetite
- 腰を据えて宿題に取り組む hunker down with homework
- 各種問題に一貫して取り組む consistently tackle various issues including〔~などの〕