- 居乍ら
from where one sits
while sitting by
- 我乍ら 我乍ら われながら for me (to do such a thing)
- 二つ乍ら 二つ乍ら ふたつながら both
- 余所乍ら 余所乍ら よそながら while at a distance indirectly casually
- 併し乍ら 併し乍ら しかしながら however nevertheless
- 及ばず乍ら 及ばず乍ら およばずながら to the best of my ability, poor though it be
- 否々乍ら 否々乍ら いやいやながら reluctantly
- 否否乍ら 否否乍ら いやいやながら reluctantly
- 憚り乍ら 憚り乍ら はばかりながら with all due respect... I venture to say... Excuse me, but...
- 末筆乍ら 末筆乍ら まっぴつながら letter-closing phrase expressing regret for a delay
- 然し乍ら 然し乍ら しかしながら however nevertheless
- 生まれ乍らの詩人 生まれ乍らの詩人 うまれながらのしじん born poet
- 居中調停 居中調停 きょちゅうちょうてい mediation
- 居並ぶ面々 1. all those present 2. whole company
- 居住 居住 きょじゅう residence
- 居並ぶ名士たち all the distinguished people present
- 居住 1 1. habitation 2. inhabitancy 3. inhabitation 4. occupancy 5. occupation 6. residence 7. residency 居住 2 commorancy《法律》