Expect my office to send over a preliminary schedule . 今後の予定を届けさせるよ
We will get 47785bxk a present within ...the window of christmas . 47785BXKの元へ 届けさせる クリスマスの... 時節内に
We will get 47785bxk a present within ...the window of christmas . 47785BXKの元へ 届けさせる クリスマスの... 時節内に
I'll have one of the girls pack up your stuff and send it to you , okay ? 君の私物は まとめて女の子に 届けさせるから いいね?
I'll have one of the girls pack up your stuff and send it to you , okay ? 君の私物は まとめて女の子に 届けさせるから いいね?
According to " azuma kagami " (the mirror of the east ), on march 12 , 1212 , sanetomo took off a branch of plum blossoms and delivered it to tomonari without disclosing the sender but tomonari immediately figured it out that it was the act of sanetomo , and made a poem of gratitude: " gladness and the fragrance are filling my sleeves too much . the first flower of the plum tree was taken off for my sake " and sent him back . 吾妻鏡によると、建暦2年2月1日 (旧暦)(1212年3月12日)に実朝が梅の花を一枝折って送り人知らずで朝業に届けさせると、朝業は直ぐに実朝の仕業と解し「嬉しさも匂いも袖に余りける、我が為折れる梅の初花」と一首詠んで追奉したとある。