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  • a mountain peak
  • 山の     【形】 mountain
  •      峰 みね peak ridge
  • 高山の峰    high mountain peak
  • 雲の峰    1. gigantic column of clouds 2. highest column of cloud
  • 山の     【形】 mountain
  • ナイフの峰    blunt edge of a knife
  • 気圧の峰    high-pressure ridge
  • 適応の峰    適応の峰 adaptive peak[医生]
  • 選択の峰    選択の峰 selective peak[医生]
  • 岩と氷の峰を登る    scale rock and ice peaks
  • 山の奥    heart of the mountain
  • 山の幸    山の幸 やまのさち mountain vegetables
  • 山の懐    1. bosom of a mountain 2. bosom of the mountains 3. depths of a mountain
  • 山の手    山の手 やまのて hilly (residential) section of a city uptown
  • 山の気    山の気 やまのき mountain air


  • Darkness in may , lights in the mountain peaks look like stars behind the clouds (senzai wakashu )
  • Moreover , he underwent an ascetic trial of hardship on the peak of mt . rai (thunder mountain ) in tsukushi province .
  • I miss him (yoshitsune ) who disappeared from my sight , making his way through white snow in mt . yoshino .
  • Yokoyama-jo castle was constructed in 1561 on a ridge of the mountain chain on the south side of the ane-gawa river running between azai county and sakata county by nagamasa azai as a base of defense against the rokkaku clan .
  • It was in the summer of 859 , one year after emperor seiwa came to power , when a monk named gyokyo from nanto daianji temple , a disciple of kobo-daishi kukai visited usa jungu shrine and received a message from god informing him to move the god to near kyoto city , on the top of mt . otokoyama , to guard the nation .
    清和天皇が即位した翌年の貞観 (日本)元年(859年)の夏、弘法大師空海の弟子であった南都大安寺の僧行教が宇佐神宮に参詣した折に「われ都近く男山の峰に移座し国家を鎮護せん」との神託を受けた。
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