- education of returnee children
- 帰国 帰国 きこく return to country
- 子女 子女 しじょ child
- 教育 教育 きょういく training education
- 帰国子女 帰国子女 きこくしじょ child who has returned to his or her country
- 帰国子女 帰国子女 きこくしじょ child who has returned to his or her country
- 帰国子女枠 帰国子女枠 きこくしじょわく special consideration for students who have lived abroad
- 帰国子女の教育問題 educational problems of children who have returned from abroad
- 子女教育手当 1. child education allowance 2. educational allowance for children
- 海外子女教育 education of children living oversea
- 海外子女教育課 【組織】 Overseas Japanese Children Education Division
- (財)海外子女教育振興財団 【組織】 Japan Overseas Educational Services〔外務省および文部科学省の所管◆ 【略】 JOES◆ 【URL】 http://www.joes.or.jp/ 〕
- 帰国子女があの組の中に溶け込むのは難しいよ It's difficult for returnees to blend in to that class.
- 子女 子女 しじょ child
- 帰国 帰国 きこく return to country
- 外国子会社 1. foreign subsidiary 2. foreign subsidiary corporation