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  • 1. as the years go by
    2. as the years progress
    3. with the passing of the years


  • When you're young , it's all fillet steak , but as the years go by , you have to move on to the cheaper cuts , which is fine with me , because i like those .
    若いときはね 最上のステーキが食べられるけど 年が経つにつれて お肉の質は落ちていく物よ 私は好きだから良いけど
  • When you're young , it's all fillet steak , but as the years go by , you have to move on to the cheaper cuts , which is fine with me , because i like those .
    若いときはね 最上のステーキが食べられるけど 年が経つにつれて お肉の質は落ちていく物よ 私は好きだから良いけど
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