- 廉潔
- 清廉潔白 清廉潔白 せいれんけっぱく being upright and cleanhanded
- 清廉潔白で 1. as clean as a whistle 2. with clean hands
- 司法の廉潔性 judicial integrity
- 清廉潔白な 1 as clean as the driven snow 清廉潔白な 2 【形】 1. incorruptible 2. lily-white
- 清廉潔白な人 1. person of great rectitude 2. person of rectitude 3. white man
- 清廉潔白の人 clean liver
- 清廉潔白な公務員 incorruptible public official
- 清廉潔白な判事 incorruptible judge
- 清廉潔白であり続ける keep one's hands squeaky clean
- 清廉潔白に振る舞う behave as morally upright
- 清廉潔白に行動する behave with rectitude
- 清廉潔白の見せかけ pretense of sanctity
- 廉恥心のない 【形】 shameless
- 廉恥心がある be alive to shame
- 廉恥心 廉恥心 れんちしん sense of honor
- 廉直 廉直 れんちょく integrity uprightness
- Do we have a name ? a number . names are confidential .
なんて清廉潔白な名前だと - Someone looking as upright as professor takeda ...
清廉潔白そうに見える 武田教授も - You'd think i was upright and honest .
私は清廉潔白ということに なりますからね - He was supposedly incorruptible , and rich in wit and benevolence .
清廉潔白にして才智仁愛に富んでいたという。 - They're in mexico with no criminal record and a ticking clock .
彼らは 清廉潔白の身で メキシコにいて 時間がかかる - Except for you , you're not exactlty squeaky clean , are you , marty ?
あなたを除いてね 清廉潔白じゃないでしょう マーティ? - He was known to live a clean life and have a faultless and doubtless character .
清廉潔白・豪胆な人柄として知られた。 - They're as clean as a whistle .
清廉潔白だ - He's clean as a whistle , but his name came up in a 2007 case , just as a witness .
清廉潔白な男ですが 2007年の事件で 名前が挙がっています 目撃者として - These were regarded as the symbols of ' incorruption and constancy ,' representing the ideal of litterateur .