廊下で(人)と内緒のひそひそ話をする have a secret whispering-chat with someone in the corridor
Regardless of the truth , the tales that yoritomo regarded him as ' a graceful person ' (in " the tale of the heike " ) and as ' an honest , righteous vassal ' (in " azuma kagami " literally , the mirror of the east ) were not exaggerated . 真相はどうあれ、「うるわしい人」(『平家物語』)・「廉直な貞臣」(『吾妻鏡』)と頼朝が評したとされる話も決して大袈裟ではない。
In the section " shugo (provincial military governor ) should give high priority to honesty " in " shodanchiyo " by kaneyoshi ichijo , it is described as " the term of office for kokushi (provincial governor ) was four years a term and although the present shugo corresponds to kokushi in the former time , they are equivalent to the twelve feudal lords in the chunqiu period and the seven influential lords in the zhanguo period , because they govern and succeed the fief from father to son ." 一条兼良の『樵談治要』の「諸国の守護たる人廉直をさきとすべき事」の条に「諸国の国司は一任四ケ年に過ぎず、当時の守護職は昔の国司に同じといへども、子々孫々につたへて知行をいたす事は、春秋の時の十二諸侯、戦国の世の七雄にことならず」とある。