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"延び率" 意味


  • 延び率
    growth rate
    coefficient of extension
  • 延び     延び のび stretching (the body) (i.e. when waking up) excess surplus postponement
  •      率 りつ rate ratio proportion percentage
  • 延び    延び のび stretching (the body) (i.e. when waking up) excess surplus postponement growth spread
  • 伸び率    伸び率 のびりつ growth rate coefficient of extension
  • 延び延び    延び延び のびのび stretching repeatedly put off procrastinate
  • 低温伸び率    低温伸び率 low-temperature extensibility[化学]; low-temperature extension[化学]
  • 収益伸び率    growth rate of earnings
  • 同じ伸び率    flat growth
  • 売上伸び率    sales growth rate
  • 極限伸び率    極限伸び率 ultimate elongation percentage[機械]
  • 測定伸び率    測定伸び率 measured elongation percentage[機械]
  • 産出伸び率    rate of output growth
  • 賃金伸び率    wage growth rate
  • 需要伸び率    demand growth rate
  • _%の伸び率    __% increase
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