The days before the second world war were referred to by some in japan as a revival of the kenmu era . 第二次世界大戦前は建武の中興と表現されていた。
Under the government of the state by the immediate direction (administration ) of emperor godaigo (kenmu restoration ), yorisada was appointed the shugo of mino province . 後醍醐天皇の親政(建武の中興)では美濃守護に任じられた。
Because the ashikaga side searched for descendants of the southern court and killed them as soon as they found them , he moved to makihira daimon , nukata district (present daimon , makihira-cho , okazaki city , aichi prefecture ) because of fears for his security and buried the three sacred treasures of the imperial family in the ground and took the family name of the empress saku-hime miura (legitimate daughter of the miura clan of the fuji daiguji family who played an active part in kenmu restoration ) and called himself todayu miura and became a simple peasant . 、足利方が南朝の後胤を探索し見つけ次第殺害したため、身の危険を避けるため額田郡牧平大門(愛知県岡崎市牧平町大門)に移住し、三種の神器を地下に埋蔵し、皇后・三浦佐久姫(建武の中興で活躍した富士大宮司家、三浦氏の嫡女)の姓を名乗り、三浦藤太夫と称し純然たる百姓となった。