He's served time for burglary and armed robbery . 建造物侵入と武装強盗で服役してます
What ! you're under arrest for trespassing . え~! 建造物侵入罪で逮捕します。
What ! you're under arrest for trespassing . え~! 建造物侵入罪で逮捕します。
What ! you're under arrest for trespassing . え~! 建造物侵入罪で逮捕します。
During this , takashi tojo and others from the institute of buraku problem brought an accusation against asada and others of burglary and forcible obstruction of business . この間、部落問題研究所の東上高志たちが朝田らを建造物侵入と威力業務妨害の容疑で告訴。