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  • Strings high stretched either soon crack or quickly grow out of tune.
  • あま     あま 亜麻 flax hemp linen 海人 fisherman 尼 nun bitch 海女 woman shell diver 阿媽 amah
  • まり     まり 鞠 ball
  • 張り     張り はり stretch post ばり in the style of (esp. literary, artistic, etc. works)
  • 過ぎ     過ぎ すぎ past after
  • なく     なく 鳴く 啼く to sing (bird) to bark to purr to make sound (animal) 泣く to cry to
  • 裂け     裂け fissure[化学]; split[化学]; split[機械]; tearing[化学]; tears[化学]〈99R3410:ガラス繊維用語〉
  • しま     しま 島 island 縞 stripe
  • まう     まう 舞う to dance to flutter about to revolve
  • うか     うか 羽化 emergence (of insects) growing wings and flying
  • 音階     音階 おんかい musical scale
  • あまり     あまり 余り not very (this form only used as adverb) not much remainder rest
  • 過ぎる     過ぎる すぎる to pass to go beyond to elapse to exceed
  • 程なく     程なく ほどなく soon before long shortly thereafter
  • しまう     しまう 仕舞う to finish to close to do something completely to put away to put an
  • 頭が狂ってしまう    go shit out of one's mind〈卑〉
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