- Can you imagine them becoming more friendly with each other?
- 彼ら 彼ら かれら they (usually male)
- よく よく 良く 善く nicely properly well skilled in 欲 greed wants 慾 craving desire greed
- なる なる 鳴る to sound to ring to resound to echo to roar to rumble 為る to change to be
- なん なん 南 south 何 what 難 difficulty hardships defect
- 想像 想像 そうぞう imagination guess
- でき でき 出来 smart quality
- ます ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
- か か 乎 question mark 加 addition increase 蚊 mosquito 課 counter for chapters (of a
- もっと もっと more longer farther
- なんて なんて 何て how...! what...!
- 想像で in one's head
- ただ人の言うなりになるような連邦議会なんて想像できますか。 Can you imagine our Congress just saying yes?
- 彼が犯罪にかかわっているなんて想像できない I can't see him being involved in crimes.
- 自分が母親になるなんて全然想像できないわ I can't quite picture myself as a mother.
- じゃあ聞くけど、彼なしの人生なんて想像できるの? Let me ask you, can you imagine life without him?