- I went to the airport to see him off.
- 送り 送り おくり seeing off sending off funeral
- 空港 空港 くうこう airport
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- 見送り 見送り みおくり seeing one off farewell escort
- おじを見送りに、私たちは空港まで行く予定だ We are going to the airport to see off my uncle.
- 空港まで見送りに行く go to an airport to see someone off〔人を〕
- 「おれが空港までわざわざ見送りに行ったの、忘れたのか?」「忘れようったって忘れられるわけないだろ。あの朝はめっちゃ二日酔いで」 "Don't you remember I went all the way to the airport to see you off?" "How could I forget! I got horribly nasty hangovers that morning."
- 空港まで見送りに来てくれた親切に対し感謝する thank for someone's kindness in seeing one off at the airport〔人が〕
- 再び空港まで送り届ける deliver someone back to the airport〔人を〕
- 私たちは飛行機を見るために空港に行った We went to the airport to watch the planes.
- わざわざ(人)を見送りに来る come all the way to see someone off
- 駅まで見送りに行く go to station to see someone off〔人を〕
- 空港まで車で行くことを避ける avoid the drive to the airport
- 訪ねてくるいとこを迎えに空港まで出掛けた。 I went out to the airport to meet my cousin who was coming to visit me.
- どこまで行ったの? How far has it gone?〔二人の仲?親密度を尋ねる〕