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  • Shall I check up on how she's doing?
  • 彼女     彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
  • 女の     【形】 1. distaff 2. feminine 3. fem〔 【語源】 feminine〕
  • 生活     生活 せいかつ living life (one's daily existence) livelihood
  • ぶり     ぶり 振り style manner 鰤 yellowtail (type of fish) kingfish amberjack
  • 調べ     調べ しらべ preparation investigation inspection
  • まし     まし 増し extra additional less objectionable better preferable
  • しょ     しょ 諸 various many several
  • うか     うか 羽化 emergence (of insects) growing wings and flying
  •      か 乎 question mark 加 addition increase 蚊 mosquito 課 counter for chapters (of a
  • 彼女の     【代名】 her
  • しょう     しょう 匠 workman artisan mechanic carpenter means idea 背負う to be burdened with to
  • ましょう     ましょう 魔障 obstacle to Buddhist practice 魔性 devilishness
  • しょうか     しょうか 小過 slight mistake 晶化 crystallization 唱歌 singing songs 上下 high and low the
  • うん! 何が上映中か調べましょう。    Yeah! Let's check what's playing.
  • 「赤字の具体的数字はいくらですか?」「即座には分かりませんので調べましょうか?」    "What's the exact figure of the deficit?" "I don't know right off the top of my head. Want me to look it up?"
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