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  • She is a good shopper and a good bargainer as well.
  • 彼女     彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
  • 買い     買い かい buying buyer purchase
  • 上手     上手 じょうず じょうて じょうしゅ skill skillful dexterity うわて かみて upper part upper stream
  • 値段     値段 ねだん price cost
  • 引き     引き length[地球]; pull[化学]; spread coating[化学]; spreading[化学]
  • きが     きが 饑餓 hunger starvation 飢餓 hunger 起臥 daily life
  • うま     うま 午 seventh sign of Chinese zodiac (The Horse, 11am-1pm, south, May) 馬 horse
  • まい     まい 舞 dancing dance 枚 counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper) 麻衣 linen
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • 買い物     買い物 かいもの shopping
  • うまい     うまい 巧い 上手い skillful 旨い delicious appetizing skillful clever expert wise
  • 駆け引き     駆け引き かけひき bargaining haggling tactics strategy
  • 買い物上手     1. shrewd buyer 2. shrewd shopper 3. smart shopper〔スーパーの宣伝文句の一部〕
  • 駆け引きがうまい     1. play one's ace well 2. skillful in dealing with people
  • 駆け引きがうまい    1. play one's ace well 2. skillful in dealing with people
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