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  • I can't thank you enough.〔礼を言う〕
  • 恐れ     恐れ おそれ fear horror
  • 入り     入り いり entering setting (of the sun) audience capacity income beginning
  • ます     ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
  • 感謝     感謝 かんしゃ thanks gratitude
  • のし     のし 熨斗 long thin strip of dried sea-ear or paper attached to a gift 伸 an iron
  • しよ     しよ 賜与 gift, esp. to subordinate
  • よう     よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
  • あり     あり 蟻 ant
  • いく     いく to come to orgasm 幾 some several how many? how much? 畏懼 reverence awe fear
  • くら     くら 鞍 saddle 蔵 倉 warehouse cellar magazine granary godown depository treasury
  • して     して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • らい     らい 儡 defeat 来 since (last month) for (10 days) next (year)
  • です     です polite copula in Japanese
  • お礼     お礼 おれい thanking expression of gratitude
  • 着る     着る きる to wear to put on (from shoulders down)
  • 感謝の     【形】 thank-you
  • しよう     しよう 私用 personal use private business 試用 trial 枝葉 leaves and branches side
  • いくら     いくら 幾ら how much? how many?
  • くらい     くらい 暗い dark gloomy 位 grade rank court order dignity nobility situation throne
  • いよう     いよう 異様 bizarre strange eccentric odd queer 偉容 威容 dignity majestic appearance
  • 感謝して     in thankful acknowledgment
  • 恩に着る     恩に着る おんにきる to feel oneself indebted to
  • ありません。     No, I don't.
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