- He keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company.
- 悪い 悪い わるい bad inferior かたい にくい difficult hard にくい hateful abominable poor-looking
- 仲間 仲間 ちゅうげん samurai's attendant footman なかま company fellow colleague associate
- 切る 切る きる to cut to chop to hash to carve to saw to clip to shear to slice to
- それ それ 其れ it that
- 済む 済む すむ to finish to end to be completed
- 悪い仲間 bad companion
- 手を切る 手を切る てをきる to cut off (a relationship)
- 気付かれずに済む 1. escape attention 2. escape remark 3. go unnoticed 4. pass undetected [unnoticed]
- 食べられずに済む escape getting eaten by〔~に〕
- 人目に触れずに済む escape notice [observation]
- 友達と手を切る drop a friend
- 親友と手を切る drop close friends
- 悪い仲間と付き合う lose oneself to bad company
- 泥棒が仲間割れすると正直者は物を失わずに済む When thieves fall out, honest men come by their own.《諺》
- 悪い仲間 bad companion