- a disgrace to our family
- 我が 我が わが my our one's own
- 恥 恥 はじ shame embarrassment
- 我が家 我が家 わがや our house our home
- 我が家の2~3軒先 few doors beyond our house
- 我が家のやり方 the way one's family does things
- 我が家のような 【形】 homey
- 我が家の環境大臣 我が家の環境大臣 My family's Minister of the Environment
- 台風による我が家の被害 damage to our house from the typhoon
- 我が家の暖炉が暖まる。 One's own fire is pleasant.
- 我が家 我が家 わがや our house our home
- 彼って我が家の厄介者だったよね。 He was a bit of a nuisance around the house, wasn't he?
- 彼には我が家の婿になるつもりがない He doesn't want to marry into our family.
- 我が家の改装は、好きでする仕事だった Remodeling our house was a labor of love for us.
- 我が家の洗濯機は最新型だ。 Our washing machine is the latest model.
- 我が家では at our place