Kusumaro attacked yamamura-o during his return trip and recovered the ekirei . 訓儒麻呂は手勢を率いて山村王の帰路を襲い、駅鈴を奪う。
Nobutomo got mad with this and killed yoshimune when his legitimate son yoshikane shiba went to kawagari (a kind of fishing ) with his troops . これに激怒した信友は、義統の嫡男・斯波義銀が手勢を率いて川狩に出た隙に義統を殺害する。
On the other hand , motoyasu matsudaira in mikawa , while supporting nobunaga oda ' s battles with his own troops , subjugated mikawa and totomi and changed his name to ieyasu tokugawa . 一方、三河の松平元康は織田信長の攻略戦に手勢を率いて支援を行いながら三河・遠江の平定を進めて名を徳川家康と改名した。
The seven generals , with long-harbored resentment , schemed to defeat mitsunari by heading their armies to kiyomasa kato ' s residence near the osaka-jo castle and attack mitsunari together . 以前から三成に深い恨みを抱いていた七将は手勢を率いて大坂城下の加藤清正の屋敷に集合し、そこから三成を襲い三成を討ち取る計画を立てていた。
Kuninaga fought bravely with a few soldiers , but when the enemy eventually broke in through the back of the residence , he yielded and committed suicide along with other family members (shochu disturbance ). 国長は少ない手勢を率いて奮戦したが、最終的には館の裏手を突破されたことから観念し、一族郎党とともに自害して果てた(正中の変)。
However , his son , norisuke , was active in hunting down and killing yoshitsune , and when yoshitsune fled the capital for kyushu , he led noriyori ' s men , who were in the capital at that time , in pursuit . ただし、実子範資は義経の追討に積極的で、義経が九州に向けて都落ちする時に在京していた範頼の手勢を率いて出陣している。
However , when the great fushimi earthquake occurred in 1596 and fushimi-jo castle where hideyoshi lived collapsed , kiyomasa is said to have quickly hurried to hideyoshi with a party of 300 soldiers under his command and acted as escort . しかし慶長元年(1596年)、伏見大地震が起こって秀吉がいた伏見城が倒壊したとき、清正は300人の手勢を率いていち早く秀吉のもとに駆けつけ、警護を務めたと言われている。
Then yoshikatsu in kyoto heard the situation in the owari domain from the supervision tomoyuki yoshida with his own soldiers in the form of a letter from the castle keeper shoman mamiya , and he left kyoto on february 8 and returned to his province on 13 . このとき、京都にいた慶勝は、手勢を率いて上洛した監察吉田知行から、城代間宮正萬の言付けという形で尾張藩内の情勢を聞き、1月15日に京都をたち、20日に帰国している。
It is said that hidehisa , wearing kasuo no kabuto (helmet (of armor , armour ) with kasuri-pattern design ) and jinbaori (sleeveless campaign jacket worn over armor ) with short sleeves made of white glossy silk of hinomaru (national flag of japan ) pattern and holding uma-jirushi commanders ' flags ahead with a white letter of " 無 " on a dark blue ground , went first into the fray with a party of soldiers under his command . このとき秀久は糟尾の兜と白練りに日の丸を付けた陣羽織を着て、紺地に無の字を白く出した馬印を眞先に押し立て、手勢を率いて諸軍の先に進んだといわれている。
On the same day , june 1 in the evening , mitsuhide departed the tanba kameyama-jo castle to kyoto at the head of an army of 13 ,000 (there is another view that mitsuhide did not visit kameyama-jo castle (tanba province ) before or after the event and he moved toward honno-ji temple from sakamoto-jo castle at the head of 3 ,000 troops and arrived around nine o ' clock , that is several hours after seven thirty a .m . when the honno-ji temple burnt down .) 同じ6月1日の夕、光秀は1万3000の手勢を率いて丹波亀山城を出陣し京に向かった(光秀は亀山城 (丹波国)には事件前にも後にも死ぬまで立ち寄っておらず、坂本城より3000の兵で本能寺に向かい、到着したのは本能寺が焼け落ちた午前7時半より数時間後の9時頃だったとする説もある)。