技巧を凝らす の英語
1. exercise one's utmost skill 2. give full play to one's technique 技巧 技巧 ぎこう technique finesse す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt 凝らす 凝らす こらす to concentrate to devote to apply to strain to rack こごらす to freeze to目を凝らす 目を凝らす [眼を凝らす] v. strain one's eyes (見出しへ戻る headword ? 目) 瞳を凝らす 瞳を凝らす ひとみをこらす to strain one's eyes 装を凝らす decorate elaborately 思いを凝らす concentrate one's mind 思案を凝らす 思案を凝らす しあんをこらす to rack one's brains (i.e. for a solution) 意匠を凝らす devise an elaborate plan 新装を凝らす give a new look 盛装を凝らす dress oneself (up) to the nines [teeth, knocker] 目を凝らす 1 1. look closely 2. strain one's sight 目を凝らす 2 look hard (at)〔~に〕 脂粉を凝らす put on makeup carefully 装いを凝らす 1. attire oneself in one's best 2. be smartly dressed 3. dress oneself (up) to the nines [teeth, knocker] 謀議を凝らす 1. conspire together 2. plot together
Various techniques are used to reproduce the scenes , including green-colored sawdust formed in the shape of mountains , or a layered canopy representing the sky . 緑に着色したおがくずを積んで山を、天幕を重ねて空を表現するなど様々な技巧を凝らす 。