Who would you like for tonight ? yes , which girl ? えー。 本日の ご指名のほうは? はい ご指名。
Have you kept waiting . you nominated mai お待たせいたしました ご指名の舞さんです
He didn't say anything about the vice presidential nomination ? いや 副大統領指名の話は?
Mr horii is already waiting for you . ご指名の堀井さまは すでに お待ちです。
However , immediately afterward , yoshimitsu died suddenly without assigning the successor and the posthumous title of daijo hoo and tribute trade were halted by yoshimochi ashikaga , the fourth shogun and senior vassals of the bakufu , since they were historically unprecedented . しかしその直後に義満は後継者不指名のまま急死し、四代将軍となった足利義持や幕府重臣により先例無しとして太上法皇位の追号も取りやめられ、朝貢貿易も停止された。