When emperor shoko became critical again in august and september 1428 , the sixth shogun yoshinori ashikaga protected sadafusa ' s biological son , prince hikohito , and asked the retired emperor gokomatsu to appoint a new emperor . 正長元年(1428年)7月に再び称光天皇が重態に陥ると、六代将軍の足利義教は貞成の実子である彦仁王を庇護し、後小松上皇に新帝の指名を求める。
In 1428 when emperor shoko was in critical condition , the second southern court began revealing their active political ambitions , the 6th shogun in the muromachi bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ), yoshinori ashikaga protected prince hikohito in the fushimi imperial palace , and demanded retired emperor gokomatsu , chiten no kimi (ex-emperor who is in control of politics by ruling the cloister government ), to appoint a new emperor . 1428年に称光天皇が危篤に陥ると後南朝勢力などが活動の気配を見せ、室町幕府6代将軍の足利義教は伏見御所にいた彦仁王を保護し、治天の君である後小松上皇に新帝指名を求める。