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  • politely ask someone to refrain from〔~を〕
  • 控え     控え ひかえ note memorandum
  • えて     えて 得手 forte strong point
  • ほし     ほし 干 dried 星 star 乾 dried cured
  • しい     しい 私意 personal opinion selfishness 示威 demonstration show of force 恣意
  • いと     いと 糸 thread yarn string 異図 treasonable intent 意図 intention aim design
  • 丁寧     丁寧 ていねい polite courteous careful care kind close thorough conscientious
  • 頼む     頼む たのむ to request to beg to ask
  •      む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
  • 控えて     in preparation for〔~を〕
  • ほしい     ほしい 欲しい wanted wished for in need of desired 糒 dried boiled rice used mainly
  • 丁寧に     丁寧に adv. ①[礼儀正しく] *politely 丁寧に, 社交辞令的に;上品に, 礼儀正しく∥ She asked me
  • (人)に     throw oneself at someone's feet / throw oneself at the feet of
  • 辛抱してほしいと(人)に頼む    ask for someone's patience until〔~まで〕
  • 今回は辞退させてほしいと(人)に頼む    ask someone to let one decline [beg off] on ~ this time around〔~について〕
  • 自分について話してほしいと(人)に頼む    ask someone to describe himself
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