Most of our cultural heritage has tended to look backward 私たちの文化の伝統は、過去を振り返り
For ryoshi , sotatsu tawaraya drew designs in the cultural tradition of the dynasty age and added new decorative factors . 料紙は王朝文化の伝統に新しい装飾性を加えた図案を俵屋宗達が描いている。
Since sake had a little higher alcohol content than wine from europe (mainly from holland ), a unique food tradition where sake was drunk as an aperitif and wine was drunk during meals in southeastern asia including batavia was established . ヨーロッパ(おもにオランダ)から届けられるワインに対して日本酒はアルコール度数が若干高いがために、バタヴィアを始めとした東南アジアにおいては、日本酒は食前酒、ワインを食中酒として飲むという独自の食文化の伝統が生まれた。
As the culture of the continent including zen buddhism was introduced by the trade with foreign nations , the warrior class , even after being influenced by it , blended the strength and simplicity of its own culture with the traditional beauty of court noble ' s , and created a new culture of the warrior class . また海外との交易によって禅宗をはじめとする大陸文化が伝えられると、武家はその影響を受けながらも、みずからの力強さ、簡潔さと公家文化の伝統美を融合させ、新しい武家文化を開化させた。