- Can you guarantee me that you'll have the work done by tomorrow?
- 明日 明日 あした あす みょうにち tomorrow
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- この この 此の this
- 仕事 仕事 しごと work occupation employment
- でき でき 出来 smart quality
- きる きる 斬る to behead to murder 剪る to cut 着る to wear to put on (from shoulders down)
- 保証 保証 ほしょう guarantee security assurance pledge warranty
- ます ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
- か か 乎 question mark 加 addition increase 蚊 mosquito 課 counter for chapters (of a
- までに までに 迄に by not later than before
- できる できる 出来る to be able to to be ready to occur 出切る to be out of to have no more at
- 明日までに by tomorrow
- これを明日までにお願いできますか? 1. Can you do it by tomorrow? 2. I need it by tomorrow.〔仕事などを頼む時〕
- その仕事すべてを明日までにできると思うなら、頭がどうかしている You must have rocks in your head if you think you can finish all that work by tomorrow.
- 今日は何時まで仕事ができますか How late can you work today?