- be decked out in one's holiday attire
- 晴れ 晴れ はれ clear weather
- て て 手 hand
- 晴れ着 晴れ着 はれぎ Sunday best (clothes)
- 晴れ着で in gala costume
- 着飾って 1. all decked out 2. done up 3. dressed up 4. in rich attire
- 晴れ着で着飾る rig oneself out in one's best
- 晴れ着で in gala costume
- 晴着で着飾る be togged out in one's Sunday best
- よそ行きの服で着飾って be decked out in one's holiday attire
- 着飾って 1. all decked out 2. done up 3. dressed up 4. in rich attire
- 着飾っている 1. be dressed (up) to the nines 2. be dressed (up) to the teeth [knocker] 3. be dressed like a dog's dinner
- 派手に着飾って as flash as a Chinky's horse / as flash as a rat with a gold tooth
- その船は見事に並んだ色鮮やかな旗で着飾っていた The ship was dressed in a panoply of colorful flags.
- 晴れ着 晴れ着 はれぎ Sunday best (clothes)
- きらびやかに着飾って in gorgeous attire