重要な局面で 1. at critical moments 2. in a crucial phase
Just like in the rapture . 最終局面で救われるという答えです
Is actually the endgame . 実は最終局面です
The abe clan maintained superiority during the most time of the zenkunen war; however , at the final stage , minamoto no yoriyoshi won the kiyohara clan over to his side and defeated the abe clan , and thus the war ended . 前九年の役はその大半の期間において安倍氏が優勢に戦いを進めていたが、最終局面で清原氏を味方に付けた源頼義が安倍氏を滅ぼして終わった。
Considering the fact that the main action near the end of the war came from kimiko no hidetake , and taking into consideration examples from the earlier nine years ' war , the biggest military force was kimiko no hidetake ' s army from dewa province , where the battle took place , followed by kiyohara no kiyohira ' s army , while the government army , even if the ' kuni no heidomo ' from southern mutsu was added , could not have been so big . 最終局面での主要な作戦が吉彦秀武から出ていること、及び前九年の役の例を勘案すれば、最大兵力は、戦場となった地元出羽国の吉彦秀武の軍、次ぎに当事者清原清衡の軍であり、国守軍は陸奥南部の「国の兵共」を加えたとしても、それほど多かったとは思えない。