The goal measures 45 .45m from north to south with two poles about 6m long set up . 毬門は南北15丈で、2丈ほどの柱2本を立てることになっている。
On top of this , people would sit on cushions for the gosechi dancers and placed plain wood tables in front of each cushion with a candle on top . その上に舞姫の座を敷き、その前にそれぞれ白木の灯台1本を立てる。
Its overall height is about 215 cm because three pillars about 203 cm in height are set on a foundation called ' tsuchii ' laid on each of the four corners . 四隅に置いた「土居(つちい)」という土台の上に高さ6尺7寸の柱3本を立てるので全体の高さは7尺1寸である。