- pull a model apart
- 模型 模型 もけい model dummy maquette
- ばら ばら 薔薇 rose 荊棘 brambles thorns
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- ばらす ばらす to expose to lay open (e.g. secret) to take to pieces to kill to murder
- 木枠をばらす break a crate
- 秘密をばらす 1. blow the gaff 2. disclose a secret 3. expose a secret 4. give the (whole) show away 5. let the secret out 6. spill a secret
- 結末をばらす give away the ending
- 計画をばらす give the game away
- 陰謀をばらす divulge a conspiracy
- 内幕をばらす 1 let someone into a secret〔 【直訳】 (人)を秘密の中に入れた状態にする〕 内幕をばらす 2 let someone in on a secret〔人に〕
- 密告者をばらす get the informer
- ~のことをばらす blow the gaff on
- 自分の情報源をばらす reveal one's source
- クリスマスツリーをばらす tear down the Christmas tree
- 秘密にしていた計画をばらす give the game away