- walk off one's headache
- いて いて 射手 archer shooter bowman
- 頭痛 頭痛 ずつう headache
- 直す 直す なおす to cure to heal to fix to correct to repair
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 歩いて on [by] shank's [shanks'] mare [pony]
- 眠って頭痛を治す sleep off a headache
- 頭痛を治す cure a headache
- 頭痛を防ぐ prevent a headache
- あー、何て頭痛だ! Whoa, what a headache!
- いすを直す fix a chair
- 体勢を直す 体勢を直す v. regain one's feet [footing, balance, legs] (転んだ人が)起き上がる, (転びかけた人が)体勢を直す. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 体勢)
- 傾きを直す correct tilt
- 化粧を直す 1. adjust one's makeup 2. fix one's makeup 3. powder one's nose 4. touch up one's makeup
- 口紅を直す 1. fix one's lipstick 2. touch up one's lipstick
- 外見を直す modify the appearance of〔~の〕