- I'm afraid that's the custom. I despise it.
- 残念 残念 ざんねん deplorable bad luck regret disappointment
- だけ だけ 丈 only just as
- けど けど but however
- 習慣 習慣 しゅうかん custom habit manners
- 嫌い 嫌い きらい dislike hate
- わ わ 環 circle ring link wheel hoop loop 輪 ring hoop circle 羽 counter for birds
- 残念だ It's really too bad.
- だけど だけど however
- 大嫌い 大嫌い だいきらい very dislikeable hate, loathe, abhor
- 嫌いだ 嫌いだ きらいだ do not like dislike
- トミー、残念だけど近道なんてないのよ。ただ練習しないと駄目なの。 Sorry, Tommy, but there is no shortcut. You just have to practice.〔親→子〕
- あら、残念だわ Oh, that's a shame.
- 大嫌いだ 1 1. absolutely hate 2. have a horror of 3. have a thing about 4. have an allergy to〔~が〕 大嫌いだ 2 wouldn't have a bar of〔~は〕
- 「彼はまだ生きてるかな」「残念だけど、無理のようです」 "Is he still alive?" "I'm afraid not."
- 前は大嫌いだったんだけどね、今はハンバーガーにはまっちゃって!牛肉の大きな塊は食べられないんだけど、ひき肉はもう大丈夫なの。 I used to hate it, but now I'm hooked on burgers! I can't eat a big chunk of beef, but ground beef is OK now.