- take a long drink from the fountain
- 泉の 【形】 fontal
- 飲む 飲む のむ to drink
- む む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
- たっぷ たっぷ タップ tap
- たっぷり たっぷり full in plenty ample
- たっぷりと飲む have a regular dose of〔~を〕
- たっぷりと飲む have a regular dose of〔~を〕
- たっぷりと水を飲む drink enough water
- 泉の水を飲む 1. drink at a spring 2. drink from a spring 3. drink of the spring
- 脱水症を避けるためにたっぷりの水を飲む drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
- 紅茶をたっぷり飲む have so many cups of tea up
- 香水をたっぷりつける wear a lot of perfume
- 朝食をたっぷりとる have a substantial breakfast
- たっぷり飲む drink one's fill
- たっぷりの水 a generous quantity of water