- doctor specializing in the treatment of migraine
- 頭痛 頭痛 ずつう headache
- 治療 治療 ちりょう medical treatment
- 専門 専門 せんもん speciality subject of study expert
- 医 医 い medicine the healing art doctor cure healing quenching (thirst)
- 片頭痛 1. blind headache 2. brow ague 3. common migraine 4. hemicrania 5. megrim 6.
- 専門医 専門医 せんもんい medical specialist
- 片頭痛治療薬 migraine-abortive agent
- 足治療専門医 pedicurist
- 新規片頭痛治療薬 novel [new] antimigraine agent
- 不妊治療専門医 1. fertility doctor 2. fertility specialist
- 歯周治療専門医 periodontist
- 集中治療専門医 intensivist
- 治療専門家 therapist
- 不妊治療専門家 fertility expert
- 片頭痛 1. blind headache 2. brow ague 3. common migraine 4. hemicrania 5. megrim 6. migraine 7. migraine headache 8. sick headache