In addition , chu his also strongly criticized that some bunjin lacked prudence . また朱熹も文人が思慮を欠いているとして痛烈に批判している。
Since then , kinga ' s severe criticism on the sorai-gaku never stopped , which led the sorai-gaku to declination . 以降、徂徠学を痛烈に批判し続けて、衰退に導く。
Myoe was severely critical of honen ' s exclusive nenbutsu practice and strived toward the revival of the kegon sect . 明恵は、法然の唱えた「専修念仏」の思想を痛烈に批判し、華厳宗の復興に努めた。
Genji also knew that to no chujo had forbidden kumoi no kari from seeing yugiri , so he made a cynical remark about his conduct . 源氏は、夕霧と雲居の雁の仲を許さない不快も手伝って痛烈に皮肉った。
In " ashiwakeobune " (treatise on waka poetry ), norinaga motoori made a blistering criticism that it was a fabricated account made in posterity . 本居宣長は『排蘆小船』で、これを後代の捏造であると痛烈に批判している。
It severely criticized contradiction to the spirit of " the charter oath of five articles " which emphasized ' open discussion ' by the public . これは国民の「輿論公議」を重んじるとした『五箇条の御誓文』の精神に反すると痛烈に批判。
Ko enbu who lived from the end of ming to the beginning of the qing severely criticized bunjin indulged themselves in a life of debauchery in his work , ' nicchiroku .' 明末清初の顧炎武は『日知録』でその放蕩三昧の文人を痛烈に批判している。
Yamaguchi had contributed an article of argument and consideration titled " kick the parents " to heimin shinbun (commoner ' s newspaper ) (no .59 ) in march 1907 , severely criticizing the feudal family system . 山口は1907年3月、封建的家族制度を痛烈に批判する論考「父母を蹴れ」を平民新聞(第59号)に寄稿した。
He is known as the founder of the eclectic school ( ' secchugaku-ha ' in japanese ) of japanese confucianism , who denied conflicts among various schools and severely criticized sorai ogyu ' s kobunjigaku (the study of archaic words and phrases ). 折衷学を大成させたことで知られ、学派闘争を否定し古文辞学(荻生徂徠)を痛烈に批判した。