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"痛烈"の例文"痛烈" 意味"痛烈" 中国語の意味


  • 痛烈
  • 痛烈な     【形】 1. acrimonious 2. biting 3. caustic 4. crushing 5. deadly 6. hard-hitting 7. incisive 8. keen 9. knockout 10. poignant 11. pungent 12. sharp 13. snippy 14. sulfurous 15. tart 16. truculent 17.
  • 痛烈に     【副】 1. bitingly 2. caustically 3. crushingly 4. cuttingly 5. mordantly 6. poignantly 7. scathingly 8. scorchingly 9. trenchantly
  • 痛烈なもの    scorcher
  • 痛烈なゴロ    hot grounder
  • 痛烈な一撃    1. crusher 2. crushing blow 3. smart blow
  • 痛烈な中傷    bitter aspersions
  • 痛烈な内容    conspicuous swipe
  • 痛烈な嫌み    1. hard rub 2. mordant sarcasm
  • 痛烈な屈辱    stinging humiliation for〔~への〕
  • 痛烈な批判    1. biting criticism 2. blistering criticism 3. stinging criticism
  • 痛烈な批評    1. devastating criticism 2. devastating critique 3. nipping remarks 4. scathing comment 5. scathing criticism 6. scathing review 7. snippy comment 8. vitriolic criticism
  • 痛烈な攻撃    scathing attack
  • 痛烈な機知    biting wit
  • 痛烈な演説    vituperative speech
  • 痛烈な皮肉    1. biting edge of cynicism 2. biting sarcasm 3. edge of sarcasm 4. heavy sarcasm 5. keen sarcasm 6. scathing sarcasm


  • Poignant video presentation , soulful soundtrack .
    痛烈なプレゼン ソウルフルな曲
  • While they complained bitterly about the new pub timings
  • And that makes failure seem much more crushing .
    だから 失敗がとても痛烈なのです
  • Forgetting is a piercing wound keen as the first loss .
    忘却は穿刺傷のせいだ 最初の損失として痛烈
  • My sister is being severely sarcastic .
    心の声 姉の痛烈な皮肉です。
  • His words are very nasty and cold .
  • Sharp right leg . left knee , acl .
    "痛烈な右足 左膝 ACL
  • Sharp right leg . left knee , acl .
    "痛烈な右足 左膝 ACL
  • Sharp right leg . left knee , acl .
    "痛烈な右足 左膝 acl
  • Sharp right leg . left knee , acl .
    "痛烈な右足 左膝 acl
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4
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