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発音記号:[ tòngdiǎn ]  読み方:
"痛点"例文"痛点" 意味"痛点" 中国語の意味


  • 痛点
    pain point
  • 圧痛点    圧痛点 あっつうてん pressure point
  • 疼痛点    painful point
  • 発痛点    trigger point
  • 痛棒を食らわす    deal someone a hard blow〔人に〕
  • 痛棒を加える 1    deal someone a severe blow 痛棒を加える 2 1. beat ~ (all) hollow〈英話〉 2. criticize ~ harshly 3. criticize ~ severely〔~に〕
  • 痛烈    痛烈 つうれつ severe bitter scathing
  • 痛棒    痛棒 つうぼう severe attack bitter (harsh) criticism stick used to strike inattentive Zen meditators
  • 痛烈さを失う    lose one's edge
  • 痛撃を食らう    take it on the chin [nose]
  • 痛烈な     【形】 1. acrimonious 2. biting 3. caustic 4. crushing 5. deadly 6. hard-hitting 7. incisive 8. keen 9. knockout 10. poignant 11. pungent 12. sharp 13. snippy 14. sulfurous 15. tart 16. truculent 17.
  • 痛撃のウェルチ    Welch the Squelch
  • 痛烈な(攻撃の)演説    a vituperative speech
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