- 1. addition to reserve
2. additions to reserves
- 積立 reserve
- 入れ 入れ いれ container receptacle
- 積立金 積立金 つみたてきん deposit
- 積立金繰り入れ provision for surplus
- 積立金戻し入れ reversal of surplus
- 積立金 積立金 つみたてきん deposit
- ~積立金 reserve for 積立金 1. accumulated fund 2. deposit 3. reserve 4. reserve fund 5. true reserve
- 引当金繰入額 provision of the reserve
- 予備積立金 contingency reserve
- 任意積立金 1. free reserve fund 2. optional deposit 3. unappropriated reserve 4. voluntary earned reserve 5. voluntary reserve 6. voluntary retained earnings
- 保証積立金 guarantee fund
- 保険積立金 insurance reserve fund
- 償還積立金 sinking fund for redemption
- 公示積立金 1. disclosed reserve 2. open reserve
- 別途積立金 別途積立金 べっとつみたてきん special reserve (fund) contingent reserve